



2024-07-21 09:23:20 来源:网络


this certifies that 是什么意思 -
Certificate of award = 获奖证书This certifies that = 这证明某某Enfield high school Has been awarded this certificate for Honorary ap calculus scholar 在恩菲尔德高中已获得此证书证明AP微积分的荣誉证书(翻译是对的,只是没有写奖学金)scholarship 是奖学金,scholar 只是学者说完了。


this cerlifios中文是什么意思 -
This certifies that in any case the workers of either sex shall receive equalminimum pay for equal work.这也就是说,在任何情况下,所有工人,不论男女,在工作相同的条件下,都必须享有同等的最低工资。
This certifies that the item being exported cannot be used in the manufacture of "strategic materials" (weapons of mass destruction etc.)意思是证明所出口货物不可用于战略性物资的制造(如大规模杀伤性武器等)又查到日语翻译是“非该当证明”,但是没查到中文译法,还真从来没见过。中文有人说完了。
证明的英语怎么写? -
读音:英[kənˈfɜ:m] 美[kənˈfɜ:rm]第三人称单数:confirms 现在分词:confirming 过去式:confirmed 过去分词:confirmed 记忆技巧:con 表加强+ firm 坚定→ 非常肯定→ 证实例句:1、X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any等会说。
payable to the bearer on demand 是什么意思? -
bearer指的是银票持有人,所以这句话就是说如果银票持有人需要的话,银行必须兑换银票。这句话在美国银票里就有,完整的是:quot;This certifies that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States of America (number) dollar(s) in silver payable to the bearer on demand."所以很有有帮助请点赞。
请高手帮我翻译几个句子,英语的。绝对高分,急!!! -
根据公司法2006的有关规定,LARCOUS AUDIO TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD(LARCOUS音频科技有限公司)在这天(this day)建立,成为一个股份有限责任私有公司,公司的注册办公室位于英国和威尔士。5. 公司没有任何房产,需要公司支付贷款或费用。背景知识:每个公司必须在注册办公室里保存一份注册文件。该文件必须表明,..
The undersigned certifies that it has examined and is fully familiar with all of the provisions of Bidding Documents including the Proforma Contract Documents and any addenda thereto and that it has fully satisfied itself as to the nature and location of all WORK to include any site 还有呢?